
On Demand Practices & Classes Available


Within the action of rituals emerges the deep connection to celebrate, to feel, to feed, to smell, to taste! Rituals stimulate the deep connection to aliveness within. Rituals help us explore and experience our life and soul connection.

A mere ritual can light the inner fire we all have. A mere moment of prana (energy) can ignite the flame of union with Self.

Rituals unite Shiva and Shakti, the stillness and the vibration of all energy.


To enliven these is to wake up dormant energy within us, to unify both masculine and feminine, to create balance.

Take your time, take personal responsibility for your practice, listen to your body and your natural breath. Never strain yourself and consult with a doctor before practicing.



Guide your action on your intention.


What rituals are in your life?

Peace and tranquility of the early morning. The silence and stillness of the evening. The ritual of a rose-herb-filled bath. Ritual of your coffee. Massage, flowers, devotion of puja, prayers, meditation.

Whatever it may be, rituals are a great way of connecting to receptivity. Devotion is a beautiful aspect of yoga and your spiritual path.

  • Our will, our intention, our want to cause action. Desire + Will + Mind We all begin somewhere. In this class category, Rachel spends more time breaking down the set up for each practice.

  • Through our experiences we learn. We gain wisdom and knowledge. This can be through the process of Gyana Shakti.

    Shakti means vibration creation. Whether this is when we move in our energy or through the knowledge we gain. We acquire wisdom through learning, listening, and experiencing.

    Here we access Gyana Shakti, the Shakti, the vibration, the creation of inner knowledge.

    Dive deep into the yoga of wisdom as Rachel shares the teachings in an informative, relevant way.

  • This is the vibration, the creation of action. Through practice, we move energy through the body. In this way we break free from the denser states, we liberate from states of feeling “stuck.”

    This is how we move.

    Lean into the unknown as Rachel guides your energy to a place where real healing and unity occur.

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