Forest Sound Bath πŸ’«βœ¨

As I child I would spend long hours after school in the Bush (forest) . I would play for hours lost in the wonders of Nature . The sounds, the birds , the complete nurturing essence of Mother Nature the safety of her intricate system . I found eminence beauty within this delicate eco system . Everything worked. I'd tread lightly, smell , watch , touch, listen . All senses activated πŸ’«βœ¨Spiritually this was clearly an active place as all worked in unison. So for me to lay on the ground look up through the trees, the rays filtering through, the smell of the earth . The music of the birds . This is a place of rest and nurturing . It's in all our backyards . Or parks . Or forests . πŸŒπŸ› Earth Bathe πŸŒπŸ›


Surrender πŸ’«


On the Road in New York